From the beginning of 2019, I have been thinking about minimalism-- wholly different from the lifestyle I have lived before. The idea of Minimalism changed me a lot from what I was earlier. It taught me a way to be happy with the least stuff possible. The thought was passed on to me by a film director, Matt D’ Avella, who has adopted the life of a minimalist. Through his videos, he inspired me to research on minimalist lifestyle.
The term minimalism became popular in the 1950s and '60s for simplistic trends of music, art, and design, and it inspired many US citizen’s lifestyles of living a more simple life.
The word Minimalism is the related form of the word minimal, which means, ‘least possible’. The word minimal was derived from the Latin word ‘minimus’, meaning the smallest.
The idea of simple living has been around for thousands of years, but the modern minimalist movement started around 2006 with the bloggers like Leo Babauta, Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, Joshua Beaker, Courtney Carver, and Colin Wright. The bloggers wrote about the benefits of Minimalism and promoted the idea that we could find contentment if we focus on less. According to minimalists, removing things from our life that don’t bring joy can make us experience a lot better than before with the benefits of better financial security, less stress. It can also help to clarify our life and far more quality time with our friends and family.
Most people think that minimalists are poor, they are different, they are lazy, they are loners, casual minded, but, that's not true, after researching a little on them, I got to know a lot.
Minimalists are the people who can think and prioritize things and live a life full of freedom-- from fear, guilt, depression, and useless demands. They are the people living by their own rules and regulation while believing in themselves.
Nowadays, our demands are increasing. People are trying to fulfill their demands over their needs, and then they face major obstacles in their life. The Scottish Writer, Richard Holloway said, “Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. They seem to be the purpose of God for this creation.” Minimalism teaches us to priorities the needs and the items that support our purpose. It helps to remove the distraction of excess possessions so that we can focus more on the thing that matters most.
The practice of minimalism helps a person to think more practically, and helps to throw away the unnecessary items from our life and to persuade the things that bring meaning. Minimalism makes you feel clean and clear and free from all the excess of this world.
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